Smart water saving
Save your money by remotely controlling water consumption

The price of water is constantly rising. Cracked pipes, leaking joints, a leaking toilet, a dripping faucet, a broken dishwasher, washing machine or other appliance, or an unsealed valve can cause significant financial losses. Not to mention damage to construction structures, machinery, equipment and equipment when space is flooded or water leaks. In doing so, most of this damage can be easily prevented. Just start measuring consumption online and set alarms which warns in time in case of any problem.
Why remotely measure water consumption?
- You will get a detailed overview of consumption (e.g. even within the day) and you can optimize it
- You can respond in a timely manner to failures and non-standard situations such as:
- cracked pipe
- faulty valve
- dripping faucet
- leaking toilets
- equipment failure (e.g. constant water supply to the heating circuit)
- unauthorized subscription
- Simple and fast distribution of water billings to tenants in industrial and logistics premises, office buildings or apartment buildings

How does it work?
Step 1: Remote reading of water meters
- Many existing water meters in your distribution systems (especially the main billing water meters) can be easily deployed or connected to an external sensor that sends continuous consumption. The price varies from about 100 Eur depending on the type. If you want to verify that your water meter can be deducted, send us a photo of it.
- If necessary, it is possible to plant other (as yet unmeasured) individual branches of the water distribution system in the premises/building and measure consumption for individual tenants or technologies. The price for a secondary water meter with integrated remote reading is again according to type up to about 75 eur.
Step 2: Data transfer and operation
- Modern remote readings send consumption to the central application using their own radio transmission networks. Therefore, it is not necessary to connect sensors/water meters to the local Wi-Fi or LAN network, or to build special wiring.
- We will select the right type of sensor and data transmission for you based on the location of the water meter.
- The sensor is powered by special batteries, which, depending on the type and frequency of measurement, last from 2 to 10 years.
Step 3: App for state check and controls
Data from sensors / water meters are regularly sent to the central application (in our case SARA.hub), where you have the option to
- Monitor current water consumption at individual sampling points
- View water consumption history by places, hours, days, months
- Set a warning if the power limit is exceeded depending on the day, hour, or, for example, temperature, or number of people in the space (requires additional sensors connected). Notifications can be in the form of SMS, email, request to the management system (ServiceDesk), messages to MS Teams or others according to the agreement and your needs
- Automatically or on request generate a distribution of consumption by period and collection point – for billing to individual tenants

The benefits are not only the money saved for aqueous (and sewerage), but also comfort and certainty
- You will get an overview of water consumption and the possibility to find out where to save
- You will prevent damage caused by water leakage (direct financial losses on aqueous water, damage to buildings and equipment, downtime, …)
- Simplify water billing
- You know in advance how much is your consumption and you will not be surprised by the bill from the water works
- The effort to save water consumption and avoid unnecessary waste in the form of leaks is also part of the ecological approach and accountability
And do not forget: Who measures, saves …
Different needs, one solution

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